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EGFA Policies


In keeping with the spirit of the mission statement of the Edina Girls Fastpitch Association, it is the policy that any unsportsmanlike, disruptive, intimidating behavior or language by any player, coach, official, or spectator WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Violation of the Conduct Policy may result in Board reprimand, loss of playing or coaching time, forfeiture of game or expulsion from a team, as determined by the EGFA Executive Committee.


Definition of Bullying
Bullying is behavior that is intentional, repetitive and hurtful resulting in an imbalance of power between the bully and the target. Bullying can take many forms, such as hitting or punching (physical bullying); teasing or name-calling (verbal bullying); intimidation using gestures or social exclusion (non-verbal bullying or emotional bullying); and sending intimidating messages through technology (cyber bullying).

Policy Statement
Bullying is prohibited at all city parks and/or city facilities. This policy applies not only to participant who directly engage in an act of bullying but also to participants who, by their indirect behavior, condone or support another participant’s act of bullying. No city employee, volunteer, contractor, shall permit, condone, or tolerate bullying.

A person who engages in bullying or tolerates bullying will be subject to discipline in accordance with policies and procedures and may take into account the following factors:

  1. The developmental and maturity levels of the parties involved;
  2. The levels of harm, surrounding circumstances, and nature of the behavior;
  3. Past incidences or past or continuing patterns of behavior;
  4. The relationship between the parties involved; and
  5. The context in which the alleged incidents occurred.

Consequences for participant who engaged in an act of bullying may range from behavioral interventions up to and including immediate removal from the program or facility. Immediate removal from program activity is warranted if the participant physically attempts to cause injury to him/her or others, or leaves the designated program area with the intent to run away or hide from staff. EGFA will act to investigate all complaints of bullying and will take appropriate action against any participant, city staff, volunteer, contractor who is found to have violated this policy.


EGFA is a volunteer organization. The EGFA Board does its best to meet the challenge of fair and balanced team formation.  Here are our guidelines: 
  1. Guarantee 1 mutual friend request for 8U only (must be mutual) even for coach’s daughters.
  2. Guarantee coach will have daughter on their team.
  3. Guarantee coach can have co-coach of their choice.


EGFA’s mission is for all girls to play in a competitive, learning environment, with emphasis placed on fundamentals, team building skills and sportsmanship. EGFA team placements will be made with the participant playing in the age level as of January 1st of the playing year. There will be no “playing up” for a more competitive experience unless approved by the EGFA board.


EGFA hires professional umpires for our games through our governing league. We have been very fortunate to have some great officiating at our games and we want to make sure we continue to offer them support for the work they do.


The EGFA Board must receive a written request for a refund before the first scheduled game.  A $50.00 cancellation fee will be deducted from your original registration cost. After the first game of the season, no refunds will be granted unless injury or health related.  If participant took part in reimbursement program for Winter Clinics then no reimbursement will take place.


Majority of EGFA coaches are parent volunteers.  Head coaches (and many of our assistant coaches) are strongly encouraged to attend our coaches' clinics put on by one of our training partners.  Coaches also have access to many resources posted in Coaches Corner.  Coaches are required to take a concussion certification (required by the Edina Park and Rec every 3 years) and a background check.  After the completion volunteers will then have to be approved by the EGFA Coaches Committee.


It is the policy of the Park and Recreation Department that all EGFA games and related activities will be cancelled when Edina Public Schools are cancelled due to extreme weather.

Call the Park and Rec Hotline at 952-836-0368 for all information.


Upon receiving a written grievance from an EGFA Member, the President shall appoint a grievance committee, which shall consist of three Board Members. In the event the President is the subject of the grievance, the Vice President shall appoint the grievance committee. The committee shall strive to resolve all grievances as soon as possible. If after action by the EGFA Grievance Committee, the aggrieved party is not satisfied, the grievance will be referred to the Edina Park and Recreation staff.


Player's Privacy
With respect to maintaining the privacy of our players and their families.  During the year, it is possible stories or other notices will be published about the various teams.  Near the beginning of the season, you will be asked at a team meeting to authorize the use of your player's name in any such publication.  You may refuse authorization to use your name.  By authorizing the use of your player's name, you are agreeing to waive any claims against the EGFA, any board member, or member of the EGFA.

Team Calendars
Team calendars on the EGFA web site are password protected.  This design is to restrict access to the teams and the players.  Further, it is to mitigate the risk of broadcasting to the public the times you may be away from your home, such as for weekend tournaments.  Additionally, it is a policy of EGFA to limit the use of full names of any of our players on a team site.  Consequently, only initials are used for first or last names.

Financial & Credit Card Information
For your convenience, to facilitate player registration, EGFA uses a 3rd Party financial institution to process your credit card information.  This process is completed through a direct and secure link to the financial institution.  Please note that such information is NOT captured by EGFA during any part of the transaction process.

Email Addresses
We will keep all email information confidential.  EGFA will never rent or sell your email address to anyone.    Although we currently have no plans to send sponsor advertisements with the email notification, we reserve the right to do so at a future time. If we choose to send advertisements, we will do it in the message and never release your email address to the sponsor.

We use cookies to simplify your experience at our site. For example, your calendar password will be stored in a cookie on your computer, so you don't have to enter it every time you want to look at your team calendar. We will not use cookies to collect information on your web surfing habits.