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Coaches Corner

Equipment pick up is scheduled for April 7th 3:00-5:30pm at Concord Elementary Storage building (near the water tower). 

Coaches Qualifications

First let me start by saying thank you for your interest in volunteering to coach your daughter's team.  We simply could not do this without your assistance.  The majority of EGFA coaches are parent volunteers.

At time of registration if you indicated that you wanted to be a Head Coach or Assistant Coach with EGFA please read through the important items below to get off to a great start to the season:

  1. All head coaches and assistant coaches are required to complete the following prior to leading or assisting with team activities (i.e., games, practices, etc.):
  • Coaches application 
  • A background check
  • Concussion training
  • SafeSport training
  • ACE (Aspire, Challenge, Encourage) Coach Education Program 

Instructions to complete each item above can be accessed in the Compliance tab on the navigation panel at the left side of this page.

  1. Like with any coaching duty...communication is key!  After team formation please send out a brief introductory email to your parents and players (a sample email is below).  You will receive a separate email with your team parents contact information which will include any player health concerns (i.e. peanut allergy).
  2. Each team is allowed a maximum of 2-3 tournaments.  Tournaments will need to be scheduled by you (you can access Tournaments on the navigation panel on the left side of this page).  You will want to confirm your players are available to play before booking the tournament.  Once you have selected your tournaments and registered electronically or filled out the hardcopy forms, you can email the EGFA treasurer at for payment, to send to the host tournament. 
  3. A Coaches Clinic will be held after team formation. An email will be sent with logistics (this is required for all coaches).  
  4. For Field Scheduling all head coaches will need to request access to the field scheduling tool (you can access the field scheduling tool on the navigation panel at the left of this page).  Please read the rules for entering in practices.  You may enter practices through the end of April only until you receive your game schedule. 
  5. For equipment you will need to coordinate pickup with the board member in charge of equipment. Here is what you should be receiving (some equipment will vary with 6U/8U):
  • One card key to Pamela with a padlock key for lock-up
  • Bucket of Balls (11” for 8U/10U or 12” for 12U/14U)
  • Equipment bag that contains:
    • Catcher gear
    • Tee
    • Magnetic board for lineup
    • Safety kit and 3-4 cold packs
    • Soft bag that includes sand balls and whiffle balls
  • Practice net (Bow Net)
  • Manual hitting machine (8U only)
  • Misc. practice equipment as needed (pitching trainer, curved bat, etc.)
  1. For 10U/12U/14U, you will need to attend or have a representative attend (spring/summer season only) the Big West league scheduling meeting (this is when season game schedules and locations will be determined.  EGFA will notify the coaches when this is scheduled and will provide each coach with available home field times for their assigned team. You will also receive your books at this meeting. 8U coaches are not required to attend because the league schedules your games.  
  2. After you have received your game schedule you will need to finish your practice schedule for the remainder of the season and enter it into to the Field Scheduler and SportsEngine.
  3. Please familiarize yourself with the league website: Minnesota Softball prior to the league meeting.  All teams will have been entered into the Minnesota Softball Big West league website prior to the Minnesota Big West league scheduling meeting. Once your team schedule is posted on the Minnesota Softball site, you will need to log in and add your assigned fields for each game and then during the season you will enter final scores for your home games.  Let us know if you are having any issues logging into the Minnesota Softball site after the Big West league meeting.  You will also be responsible for rescheduling games (due to rainouts) throughout the season with the opposing team's coach.
  4. If you have a team manager who will be entering in schedules and tournaments into your team page other than a coach, please let the EGFA coach liaison or President know, as we will need to give them access.

Coaches General Information

Coaches also have access to many resources posted in Coaches section:

  1. Team Positions - recommended roles to help manage your team.
  2. Field Scheduling - Access to the master field schedule and BCOM scheduling.
  3. Field Preparation - Rules for field prep, Field preparation instructions in the event the city hasn't completed, and Field Notifications.
  4. User Guides - Scorekeepers Guide, SportNgin Coaches User Guide, SportNgin Parents User Guide, and Parents Quick Reference Guide. 
  5. Practice Plans - To assist you in organizing your practices 19 practice plans are posted in order of development in word format so you can edit as well as a corresponding practice plan drills descriptions.
  6. General Information - the Minnesota Softball league link is posted as well as ASA Softball Rules Cheat Sheet, Field Preparation, Fastpitch Distances, Speeds, Ball Sizing Bat Size, etc. 
  7. Player Development - Drills for Base Running, Stealing, Sliding, Batting, Bunting, Fielding, Defensive, Catchers, Pitching, etc.
  8. Development Videos - A matrix with video instruction links with descriptions.
  9. Game Day - EGFA cheers, Warm Up, Defensive Strategy, Offensive Strategy.
  10. Ask the Coach - can be used to send coaching questions to the EHS Softball coach.